Label Research Area Related Papers Details
A Methods
A1 Quantum Mechanics (QM)
A2 Reactive Force Fields (ReaxFF AND RexPoN)
A3 Generic Nonreactive Force Fields (UFF, Dreiding)
A4 Coarse Grain FF
A5 Charge Predictions
A6 Accurate Nonbond Interactions
A7 The Electron Force Field (eFF)
B Materials Applications
B1 Homogeneous Catalysis
B2 Heterogeneous Catalysis
B3 Electrocatalysis
B4 Batteries
B5 Fuel Cells
B6 Thermoelectrics
B7 Boron Carbide Ductility
B8 Ceramics
B9 Energetic Materials
B10 Amorphous Metals
B11 Other Systems
B11-1 Damage Free Electron Etching
B11-2 Polymers
B11-3 MOFs, COFs, and ZIFs
B11-4 Superconductors
C Biotechnology and Drug Design
C1 G-Protein Coupled Receptors (GPCRs)
C2 Nucleic Acids
C3 Other Protein Projects
D Mechanical Bonded Devices
D1 Electron-catalyzed Molecular Recognition
D2 Electrochemical Switching of Molecular Rotor
D3 Other Papers on Mechanically Bonded Materials